Episode 27: Brain Groggy and Foggy - Dr. Sabina Brennan

From forgetting names to being unable to control our emotional response, an inability to concentrate and new-found clumsiness, this week we talk to the vivacious Dr. Sabina Brennan health psychologist, neuroscientist and author of the book Beating Brain Fog, about the neurological symptoms that leave some of us feeling foggy, but leave some people struggling to get through the day.

When it comes to Long Covid, Brain Fog is an umbrella term that refers to a myriad of symptoms, stemming from various factions of the brain, that are challenging the day-to-day functioning of thousands of people with Long Covid. It is the second most common symptom amongst Long-haulers. It doesn’t sound too frightening - ‘Brain Fog’ - but the reality is that the latest insights suggest that there is neurological damage and the symptoms can actually stop you living your life.

We talk through all the various manifestations of Brain Fog, what the factors are that are causing the symptoms and the various things we can do ourselves to help treat it.

Dr Brennan also hosts her own podcast - the Super Brain Podcast.


Episode 28: But what about the Gut? Prof. Robert Thomas


Episode 26: The Sunshine Doctor - Endocrinologist Paul Jenkins