Episode 35: Prof. Mary Hickson - Nutrition

Sometimes, amidst the latest drug technology and high-tech treatment strategies, it is good to hear a solid voice of reason to bring us down to earth.  This week Mary Hickson, Professor of Dietetics, Plymouth University & Hon Professor Imperial College, provides us with that.  She talks us through some of the fundamentals of nutrition, malnutrition, nutrient deficiency and who and where we can turn for advice on one of the cornerstones of our recovery: how we should be fuelling our bodies.

As data, evidence, research and unfounded speculation began to flow surrounding nutrition following COVID-19 infection, Professor Hickson saw a need for a collated, trustworthy source of information.  Hickson and her team at the University of Plymouth, supported by the British Dietetic Association, have created the “Nutrition and COVID-19 recovery knowledge hub” where both professionals and patients can find the best available evidence for optimising nutrition in the recovery from acute COVID-19, and the longer term issues faced in Long Covid.  It aims to help identify if patients have a nutritional problem, looks at how symptoms may affect your diet and nutrition and how your nutrition could be affecting your symptoms.

If you are unsure as to whether it is a dietician or a nutritionist you need to see, which of the recommended supplements will cure your Long Covid, and how long you can survive on Monster Munch alone… Professor Hickson offers practical solutions, dispels myths and explains regulations surrounding the nutritional industry in this week’s episode.


Episode 36: Dr Alec Schmaier - the endothelium


Episode 34: Dr Satish Raj - POTS