Episode 23: Francis Vaz - Ear, Nose & Throat Symptoms

Some studies say that up to 75% of people who get Covid-19 suffer with smell or taste dysfunction. Some Long Haulers still haven’t recovered their sense of smell, and with it their sense of taste. Loss of taste and smell, tinnitus and ear issues are common Long Covid ENT symptoms, along with throat concerns - pain, constriction, problems swallowing - and dizziness.

This week we talk to Professor Francis Vaz, an ENT/ Head and Neck Surgical Consultant at UCLH, The Devonshire Street Clinic and Harley Street Clinic. He has seen a huge increase in demand for ENT specialists dealing with Long Covid patients, particularly for tinnitus and anosmia. We talk through each of these issues individually and discuss the potential mechanisms and treatments for our ENT symptoms. Vaz offers practical advice on and resources for redressing your balance, retraining your senses, and the need to check all symptoms thoroughly. Some of our own bizarre symptoms do seem to stump him though - not surprising given the multi-system attack of Long Covid.


Episode 24: And breathe…


Episode 22: Dr Tomer Bronshtein - Israeli Innovation